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on the right

  • 基本解释:在右边,在右侧
  • on the right 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 在右边,在右侧

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  • Cfa ruling on the right of abode
  • So the bath on the left is after five days, and on the right, after 8.
    左边的池子是发酵了五天的 右边的是十天后的
  • screwed on the right to adjust the nut, the large park bevel gear to the left.
  • On the Right of the Free Adjudication and Measurement on Administrative Execution
  • The image is aligned on the right edge of the Web page with text wrapping on the left.
  • The wheel on the right side of the image is the tiller wheel, used to steer the airplane on the ground.
  • After gaseous detonation reflects on the right wall, the righttraveling rarefaction waves accelerate the reflected shock.
  • A microscopic comparison of normal colonic mucosa on the left and that of an adenomatous polyp on the right is seen here.
    左侧为正常结肠黏膜, 右侧为腺瘤性息肉。
  • Analyses on Seepage of Area between Rivers on The Right Bank of Reservoir Head of Shatuo Hydropower Station on Wujiang River
  • Buddha is in the middle of the altar is Xiangmo as Sakyamuni, is the left side of the Maitreya, the Buddha is on the right side.
    佛坛的正中间是降魔释迦像, 左边是弥勒佛, 右边是阿弥陀佛。




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