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the rich

  • 单词发音:英 [ ðə ritʃ ] 美 [ ði rɪtʃ ]
  • 基本解释:朝奉;阔人
  • the rich 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 朝奉;阔人

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  • The poor are actually giving aid to the rich.
  • Across the rich world, firms are flush with cash.
    在富裕国家, 企业资金充裕。
  • The government taxed the rich and the poor alike.
  • Whether should the rich guest of athlete and official accept an inspection ?
  • Savour the rich ambience that makes Ballynahinch Castle the jewel in the crown of Connemara.
    此时此刻, 时间也为那神来的精致而小作停留了。
  • Allude rich article the fact less and less, the rich article about popular notion is increasing.
  • The Doha Round should be revived and the agricultural subsidies of the rich countries eliminated.
  • The setting sun is reflected from the windows of the alms house as brightly as from the rich mans abode.
  • Said generally that, the partner is advantageous by the rich mood experience in gets up the promoter action.
    一般说, 伴以丰富的情绪体验有利于起促进作用。
  • The Method of Flowing Injection of Atoms to Absorb Spectrum to Determine the Trace Selenium in the Rich Selenium Vegetables




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