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the Forbidden City

  • 基本解释:紫禁城
  • the Forbidden City 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 紫禁城
  • the Forbidden City 大小写变形: The Forbidden City

包含the Forbidden City的短语更多>

the Forbidden City 相关例句更多>

  • The Imperial Palace is also called the Forbidden City.
  • The architecture of the Forbidden City has a real antique feel to it.
  • Therefore, there was also a Hall of Abstinence inside the Forbidden City.
  • From then on, Manchurian appeared on the horizontal board of Forbidden City.
    从此, 紫禁城的匾额上出现了满文。
  • He once hold three hot pot banquets in the forbidden city for aging senior officials.
  • We went first to the Forbidden City. Afterwards, we went to Coal Hill behind the Forbidden City.
    我们先去了故宫, 随后还去了后边得景山。
  • His insistence that costumes be remade in Ming rather than Tang dynasty style, in keeping with the Forbidden City's vintage, added $330,000 to the tab.




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