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rain forest

  • 单词发音:英 [ rein ˈfɔrist ] 美 [ ren ˈfɔrɪst ]
  • 基本解释:(热带)雨林
  • rain forest 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 名词(n.) (热带)雨林

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rain forest 相关例句更多>

  • Tropical Rain Forest, Elephant Forest.
    还有热带雨林, 象馆。
  • seasonal rain forest and rain forest region
  • They have been vacationing in the Amazon rain forest for one month.
  • Amazon rain forest is sometimes referred to as the lungs of the Earth.
  • Montane rain forest is a zonal forest type in the northern tropical monsoon climate.
  • Exhibits range from an African rain forest to the Arctic taiga and tundra in the summertime.
  • It doesn't try to produce a heath or a meadow or a rain forest or a kelp garden or a coral reef.
    野化不是试图建造荒地或牧场 或雨林或海藻园或珊瑚礁
  • Temperature characteristics of different thermal active surfaces near edge of tropical rain forest
  • The life in the African equator tropical rain forest, is the extantbiggest spirit long item animal.
    生活在非洲赤道热带雨林中, 是现存最大的灵长目动物。
  • Study on the Distribution Pattern of Arboreal Species Abundance of Mountainous Rain Forest in Dawei Mountains, Yunnan, China

rain forest的近反义词




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