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except for

  • 单词发音:英 [ ikˈsept fɔ: ] 美 [ ɪkˈsɛpt fɔr ]
  • 基本解释:除…之外;若不是
  • except for 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 除…之外
  • 若不是

except for 相关例句更多>

  • If thou must love me, let it be for naught Except for love's sake only.
    你如果要一定要爱我, 就别为什么, 仅为爱的缘故。
  • appointed for life and not subject to dismissal except for a grave crime.
  • Except for arrays, each member is assigned in the usual way for its type.
  • I bought funds with all my money except for a necessary amount for living.
  • I am willing to do anything for you except for those beyond my capability.
  • Except for the tentative'sketch initial draft rough cargo plan everything is ready for loading.
  • All the code except for the following prerequisites is bundled in the download for this article.
  • but it's one of the most favorable places for doing these balloon launches, except for the weather.
  • Your composition is good except for a few spelling mistakes. Except for an old lady, the bus was empty.
    除了有一个老太太以外, 这辆公共汽车是空的。
  • Except for the cat, the travellers said they now felt such distaste for fish that they would probably never eat another one again.
    除了猫之外, 他们现在很讨厌吃鱼, 可能以后再也不会吃鱼了。




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