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police station

  • 单词发音:英 [ pəˈli:s ˈsteiʃən ] 美 [ pəˈlis ˈsteʃən ]
  • 基本解释:警察局
  • police station 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 名词(n.) 警察局
  • police station 词态变化: 复数: police stations

police station 相关例句更多>

  • the police sergeant on duty in a police station.
  • Aunty NG daitun police station immediately to the police.
  • The police have detained two men for questioning at the police station.
  • The police have detained two men for questioning at the police station.
  • Two police officers arrested him and took him to Kensington police station.
  • The police arrived on the point of the people sending convict to police station.
    正当人们准备把罪犯送往公安局时, 警察赶到了。
  • The police have detained the suspected thief for questioning at the police station.
  • Police fired live bullets to disperse them and sealed off streets around the police station.
    警方发射实弹驱散他们, 并封锁了附近的街道派出所。
  • On one occasion, he was taken to a police station by police officers and was forced to leave his bag outside.
    有一次, 警官将他带到警所, 强迫他把手提包留在外面。
  • The independent expert visited the police station and holding cells, escorted by the governor and the police warden.




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