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paraffin section

  • 单词发音:英 [ ˈpærəfɪn ˈsekʃən ] 美 [ ˈpærəfɪn ˈsɛkʃən ]
  • 基本解释:石蜡切片
  • paraffin section 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 石蜡切片

paraffin section 相关例句更多>

  • Paraffin section is an important method for plant anatomy and pathology.
  • Discussion to the softening technology Of silkworm eggs in paraffin section
  • Using traditional paraffin wax section, we observed the embryology of T. chinensis in detail.
  • Comparative study of sputum sediment paraffin section and sputum smear examinations for diagnosis of lung cancer
  • Observation by paraffin section showed that Lipeng No.2 embryo sac mother cells were almost entirely degenerated during megasporogenesis.
    切片观察发现, 丽号胚囊母细胞在四核期已完全退化。
  • Observation by paraffin section showed that Lipeng No. 2 embryo sac mother cells were almost entirely degenerated during megasporogenesis.
    切片观察发现, 丽椪2号胚囊母细胞在四核期已完全退化。




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