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no count

  • 单词发音:英 [ nəu kaunt ]
  • 基本解释:未计数
  • no count 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 未计数

包含no count的单词更多>

  • noncountry 不具备国家特征的国家(如无同族人口、无天然国界、无国家历史等)
  • countertenor 高男高音
  • countertenors 高男高音( countertenor的名词复数 )

no count 相关例句更多>

  • I advise you to take no count of what he says.
  • to disparageto look down onto set no count on.
  • I know you set no count on Jack, but I like him.
    我知道你看不起杰克, 但我喜欢他。
  • Near look do hand number open knife count no count fake ?
  • If you set no count on workers, you set no count on your parents.
    如果你瞧不起工人, 你就看不起你的父母。
  • If the cost of the trip is no abundance than 1000 yuan, count me in.
  • Take care there is no mistake when you count the amount of the money.
    当你点钱的时候, 小心别数错了。
  • Deys a passel of no count folks in dis town now dat it ain no use talkin about.
  • Count that day won when, turning on its axis, this earth imposes no additional taxes.
    随着地轴转动的地球不再赋课附加税之时, 是为成功之时。
  • It is difficult to count the number of Buddhist and Daoist believers, since there are no strict admittance rites.




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