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  • 基本解释:Rafa Larra
  • Rafał 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 拉法乌


  • rafar radar-automated facsimile reproduction 自动化雷达传真件
  • RAFAR radio automated facsimile and reproduction 无线电自动传真与复制
  • Rafale (“阵风”)21世纪法国海空军的主力战斗机 <法>(军)(大炮的)迅猛射击,隆隆鼓声
  • rafale <法>(排炮的)间歇性急射
  • ultrafax 电视传真电报
  • Ultrafax 电视高速传真
  • contrafactum <拉>换词歌曲(尤指中世纪和文艺复兴时期的以宗教颂诗替换世俗歌词的声乐曲)
  • contrafactual 违反事实的
  • intrafallopian 输卵管内的

Rafał 相关例句更多>

  • How do Rafa and his coaching staff analyse matches ?
  • Are Rafa's tactics complicated or difficult to understand
    贝尼得战术是不是很复杂, 很难理解得 呢
  • Rafa will now feel what I had to feel for a very long time.
  • Rafa's done a fantastic job here and will continue to do so.
  • I would love to see Rafa go on to emulate what Shanks achieved.
  • No disrespect to Rafa, but there will only ever be one Bill Shankly.
    我没有不尊重贝尼特斯, 但世上只有一个比尔香克利。
  • Albert Riera is ready to stay at Liverpool now Rafa Benitez has left the club.
    在拉法离开之后, 里埃拉准备继续留在利物浦。
  • Rafa Nadal has pulled out of the Madrid Masters doubles competition as slight muscle injury.
    因为臀部肌肉酸痛, 小白万不得已选择离开双打赛场。
  • And the Finnish defender says he has been assured of his future at the club by boss Rafa Benitez.
  • Martin Skrtel feels there was an air of inevitability about Rafa Benitez's departure as Liverpool manager.
    马丁 斯科特尔表示能够感觉到贝尼特斯离职的可能性。




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