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lead shot

  • 单词发音:英 [ ˌled ˈʃɒt ] 美 [ ˌled ˈʃɑt ]
  • 基本解释:铅粒
  • lead shot 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 铅粒

lead shot 相关例句更多>

  • Car rental agency, lead shot.
    代办租车, 导拍。
  • Car rental agency , lead shot .
  • Fill this with lead shot and we can tell exactly the volume.
    用铅粒填充, 我们就可以得出精确的头骨容量。
  • Filling the cylinder with lead shot to simulate a sample's weight.
    圆柱里面灌铅, 以模拟样本的重量。
  • For small models we can use as weights containers filled with lead shot.
    对于小模型, 可用装满铅丸的容器作为砝码。
  • The competition starts, cloth Zelle takes the lead the jump shot hit, knight the opening record.
    比赛开始, 布泽尔率先跳投命中, 爵士首开纪录。
  • The early time uses in the flintlock bullet which the firearms launch many for the iron grain or the lead shot.
  • 'The sheer volume of lead flying through the air was almost unprecedented, ' Bell explained in an interview, shortly before being shot.




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