China North West Film Studio, originally uploaded by Firenzemc. 镇北堡西部影视城。
Here east, south, west is surrounded by mountains, north facing water. 此处东、南、西三面环山,北面临水。
Towards evening we saw a low-lying point west by north of us, at about 3 miles distance. 夜幕降临时,就在我们西边偏北的海平面上,我们看到一个地势低洼的尖呷,离我们只有3哩之远。
It is bordered by Senegal to the north and Guinea to the south and east, with the Atlantic Ocean to its west. 它北邻塞内加尔,南部和东部与几内亚接壤,西部是大西洋。
He is carrying a pair of scissors, flying east and west, shearing south and north, selling out spring inch by inch. 他带着一把剪刀,东飞飞,西剪剪,把春天一寸寸卖光了。
Submarine Investigation in the Barents Sea in the West of the North Pole by Russia Using Scientific Research Submersible 俄用科学调查潜艇开展西北极巴伦支海水下调查
Protected by Tuo River which skirts it on the north, east and west sides, it is strategically located, more easy to defend than to attack 沱河从西,北,东三面绕城而过,位置颇为险要。
It is bordered by Chongqing and Chengdu in the east and the north. Luzhou also shares boundaries in the south with Guizhou Province and in the west with Yunnan Province. 泸州东接重庆,北邻成都,南靠贵州,西连云南。