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  • 单词发音:英 [ ˌriːˈdʒɔɪn ] 美 [ ˌriːˈdʒɔɪn ]
  • 基本解释:重新加入;重返;再回答;与…再会合
  • rejoin 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 及物动词(vt.) 重新加入
  • 及物动词(vt.) 重返
  • 及物动词(vt.) 再回答
  • 及物动词(vt.) 与…再会合
  • 不及物动词(vi.) 重新会合
  • 不及物动词(vi.) 重新接合
  • 不及物动词(vi.) 答辩,回答
  • rejoin 词态变化: 第三人称单数: rejoins过去式: rejoined过去分词: rejoined现在分词: rejoining


rejoin 相关例句更多>

  • Many may rejoin armed groups out of frustration.
  • Nagase All remaining squadrons, rejoin into attack formation.
    残余部队重整编队, 再次进入攻击阵形。
  • He went AWOL from a hospital to rejoin his outfit in the Hurtgen.
    他从某医院开小差, 重回正鏖战于霍根森林之本部。
  • You may take it that we shall not be asking you to rejoin the union.
  • There remained one final call of duty for Armand to answer, was to rejoin his father.
  • The accused does not put forward to rejoin of shape, do not affect people court to try.
    被告不提出答辩状的, 不影响人民法院审理。
  • went AWOL, wounded, to make their way back to the front lines to rejoin their brothers out there.
    即使身负重伤 也要回到战场 回到战士们中间
  • Their minions, however, refuse to abide by the decisions of the Anunnaki to rejoin the forces of Light.
    然而, 他们的爪牙拒绝追随阿努奇人加入光的决定。
  • And if they come back and wish to rejoin the revolution they may be accepted, but must not be readmitted into the Party.
    如能他们回头革命, 还可予以接待, 但不准重新入党。
  • When making up, had mixed 305 colophony first oxidation annulus already ketone mixes, rejoin naphthalene acerbity cobalt mixes after.





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