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  • 单词发音:英 [ tʃi: ] 美 [ tʃi ]
  • 基本解释:n.气(中医)
  • qi 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 名词(n.) <汉>气
  • qi 大小写变形: QiQI


  • Qi [体]气
  • QI Quality Index 质量指标
  • QIE Qualified International Executive 国际管理者资格
  • QIT Quality Information and Test system 质量信息及试验系统
  • qit qualification information and test (system) 资格报告和测试(系统)
  • Qit interface trapped charges 界面俘获电荷(代号)
  • Qie 郄(姓氏)
  • qie quality inspection criteria 质量检查标准
  • Iraqis 伊拉克人( Iraqi的名词复数 )


qi 相关例句更多>

  • inability of ZANG QI to adapt to QI of four seasons.
  • TAI YANG being in charge of nutrient QI and defensive QI
  • The qi and true qi were the basic concept of true qi theory.
    气和真气是真气学说的基本概念, 长期以来使用混乱。
  • Qi in the human body is composed of congenital qi and acquired qi.
  • nutrient QI flowing along meridiat and defensive QI flowing adversely
    营气顺脉, 卫气逆行
  • interference of clear QI and turbid QI leading to derangement of QI in chest
    清浊相干, 乱于胸中
  • Qi of general circulation plays the role of coordination in lung qi and large intestine qi.
  • Health Care and Preservation from Aspects of Primordial Qi, Qi Derived from Food Essence and Fresh Air
    从元气, 谷气, 清气析保健养生
  • Once again, the king was surprised again by the recommendation because Qi Wu was the son of Qi Huangyang.
  • Ascending clear and descending turbid of spleen is composed by descent of lung qi and ascent and dispersion of liver qi.




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