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  • 单词发音:英 [ ˈmeɪkɪŋ ] 美 [ ˈmeɪkɪŋ ]
  • 基本解释:制造;产生的过程;成功改进的手段;原料,材料
  • making 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 名词(n.) 制造
  • 名词(n.) 产生的过程
  • 名词(n.) 成功改进的手段
  • 名词(n.) 原料,材料
  • 动词(v.) “make”的现在分词
  • making 大小写变形: Making
  • making 词态变化: 复数: makings



making 相关例句更多>

  • Are the pupils making a snowman B. What are the pupils making a snowman.
  • If your opponent is making a ton of these, don't bother making twinblades.
    如果你的对手拥有很多的话, 就不要造双刃自找麻烦了。
  • Advertisement is the machine of making a fashion, is the machine of making a squander.
  • It is the excellent raw material for the brick making and the unshaped refractory material making.
    是制砖, 不定形耐火材料优质原料。
  • It was also apparent that the British were making use of him, or thought they were making use of him.
  • Though not suitable for making steamed stuffed buns, stiff dough is suitable for making shaved noodles.
    硬面虽然不适合包饺子, 却适合做刀削面。
  • Two other people you know are very good at making the wooden shafts, but they're hopeless at making the arrowheads.
    你知道另外两人擅长制箭杆 但他们不会造箭头
  • The our country has no the excessive defending the law making background of the problem with the law making process.
  • Expound the basic theory of decision making, and analyze the basic definition and hypothesis of group decision making.
    阐述了群决策的基本理论, 分析了群决策的定义和基本假设。
  • Let's imagine that you are really good at making arrowheads, but you're hopeless at making the wooden shafts with the flight feathers attached.
    假设 你擅长制造箭头 但是完全不会 制造嵌着飞羽的箭杆





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