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law in force

  • 单词发音:英 [ lɔ: in fɔ:s ] 美 [ lɔ ɪn fɔrs ]
  • 基本解释:现行法律
  • law in force 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 现行法律

law in force 相关例句更多>

  • The law is already in effect (or in force).
  • At the same time this arrangement has its own binding force in international law.
    同时从效力上来讲, 这个协议具有国际法上的拘束力。
  • The decrees must therefore be submitted to Parliament in order to acquire the force of law.
    因此, 政令必须提交给议会, 以取得法律效力。
  • Force was used in the arrest, and the law enforcement officers did not produce an arrest warrant.
  • In Burundi, a new asylum law entered into force and the country's first asylum office was created.
    在布隆迪, 新的庇护法生效, 设立了该国第一个收容办事处。
  • The movement law of the grinding balls in planetary ball mill is mainly determined by centrifugal force.
  • The legislation in force is law No.14 of1999 on arms, munitions and explosives, a copy of which is attached.
  • The expression law and the posture law teach the utilization ratio in the athlete expressive force to be highest.




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