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bottom skin

  • 基本解释:底层皮肤
  • bottom skin 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 下表面蒙皮;底部蒙皮

bottom skin 相关例句更多>

  • Her skin is still as smooth as a babys bottom.
    她的皮肤仍然十分柔软, 光滑。
  • By copy skin bottom or balata, usable brush dips in bath is clean.
  • Cut the layer of gel away from the bottom layer of skin and place it in a cup.
    将芦荟凝胶层从底层表皮上切下来, 放在杯子中。
  • The bottom cloth increases the cozy touch with skin and prevents static electricity contact.
  • Slant as a result of color of skin dark, need to pass powdery bottom to raise skin color equably bright.




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