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Valence bond theory

  • 单词发音:英 [ ˈveiləns bɔnd ˈθiəri ] 美 [ ˈveləns bɑnd ˈθiəri ]
  • 基本解释:价键理论
  • Valence bond theory 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 价键理论

Valence bond theory 相关例句更多>

  • So let's think about methane using valence bond theory.
  • So, we can think about now how do we describe this bond in valence bond theory.
    我们现在可以考虑, 怎么在价电子成键理论中描述这个键。
  • Valencebond theory was formed on the basis of the classical ideas of valence bond.
  • Modern valence bond theory and hybrid orbital theory to explain the covalent bond.
  • The cause of these three laws is analyzed by aid of the valence bond theory on the basi.
  • And to do this we're going to introduce valence bond theory, and the idea of hybridization of orbitals.
    在这之前我们要引入价电子成键理论, 和杂化轨道的概念。
  • Valence Bond Theory in chemistry teaching of university was not only the focal point, but also the difficulties.




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