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Universal Studios

  • 基本解释:环球影业
  • Universal Studios 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 环球影业

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  • Tokyo Disneyland and Universal Studios, where would you have a date
  • This is Universal Studios ' newest attraction and it really is mind-blowing.
  • Fire crews in California are still cleaning up after a massive fire at Universal Studios.
  • However, it was only then that I remembered I had to collect my Indiana Jones photo before the Universal Studios store shut.
  • After visiting Hollywood, Universal Studios and Beverly Hills in Los Angeles, I've decided film stardom is where the good life lies.
  • Throughout our tour of Universal Studios I was Indiana Jones, or if that could not be swallowed, I was a star waiting to be discovered.
  • And so it nearly transpired that same night when we attended the official opening of Universal Studios ' Globe Theatre, a new arena for special events.
  • It's easy to feel as if you are on thrill-ride overload after three consecutive days at California's great theme parks, Disneyland, Knotts Berry Farm and Universal Studios.
  • We had been at Universal Studios barely five minutes when a persuasive shop assistant enticed us into a store where mere crowd-blenders like myself could be transformed into the guise of film stars.




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