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Sri Lankan

  • 基本解释:斯里兰卡的
  • Sri Lankan 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 形容词(adj.) 斯里兰卡的

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Sri Lankan 相关例句更多>

  • Charles Haviland reports from the Sri Lankan capital Colombo.
  • In Kuwait, a Sri Lankan was executed last year by hanging, or so the authorities thought.
  • Yan then perish behind a small country, the Sri Lankan armed forces throughout effect also.
    是故燕虽小国而后亡, 斯用兵之效也。
  • May buy the beautifully packaged in Colombo the Sri Lankan black tea, the price is inexpensive.
    在科伦坡可以买到包装精美的锡兰红茶, 价格也不贵。
  • However, there were casualties, which included seven dead and nine injured, all Sri Lankan nationals.
    但有多人伤亡, 共计七死九伤, 均为斯里兰卡国民。
  • To pay Her respects, Master humbly bowed to the Sri Lankan monks sitting in the front row of the audience.
  • Sri Lankan Army soldiers patrol along the de facto frontline in the Jaffna Peninsula, some 398 kms north of Colombo.
  • Thus the Sri Lankan brothers and sisters are ever so grateful to Master for the wonderful gift of peace that She bestowed on their country.




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