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speed order

  • 基本解释:速度命令
  • speed order 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 看样定做

speed order 相关例句更多>

  • In order to weighing the speed and accuracy of business processes.
  • In order to control speed, the pulley needs to be continually spinning.
    为了控制速度, 滑轮必须连续旋转。
  • to swing the tail of an airplane from side to side in order to reduce speed
  • To swing the tail of an airplane from side to side in order to reduce speed.
  • In order to speed up excretion, magnesium sulfate can be used, Gansuan alcohol, such as rhubarb.
    为了加速排泄, 可用硫酸镁, 甘酸醇, 大黄等。
  • Variablevariable speed motor, reducing host in order to achieve the purpose of saving electricity.
    变频无级调速, 减小主机电机, 到达节电纲的。
  • In order to catch up with and surpass the advanced world levels we'll have to accelerate our speed.
  • Electronics stepless speed regulation, conveyor utilized stainless steel net in order to stabilize transmission.
  • The Approximate Calculation of Terminal Displacement in Experiment at the Fist Order of the Change Speed Linear Motion
  • In order to speed up the process of vegetation restoration in the abandoned quarry, artificial measures should be taken.




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