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special surface

  • 基本解释:特殊的表面
  • special surface 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 特殊曲面

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special surface 相关例句更多>

  • This special report will point to where it is beginning to surface.
  • Acupoints are special parts of body organs and meridian blood in body surface.
  • Design of the Special Milling Machine for the Arc Surface of Compressor Impellers
  • Heating Rollers are made of special silicon, perfect hardness, assure film surface.
    压膜辊由特殊硅胶做成, 适中硬度, 压膜板面均匀牢固。
  • Nice patina on black jade hilt, special fuller!Not rough surface, but neither domestic product!
    青玉柄的包浆很好看, 血槽独特!不是糙面, 但也不是国货吧!
  • It enhances rust protection and corrosion resisting property through adopting special surface treatment.
  • The Determination of Some Special Points for the Line of Intersection of Quadratic Surface By An Analytical Method
  • This racket by special three net surface constitution, mosquito musca extremely Yi Ruwang, and does not evade arrest.
  • A new fashioned special seam welder for welding the stainless steel band on the rail surface was developed successfully.
  • Nonweaving grinding rollerThere is balanceable rubbing rorce.New fabric floss will be working after the special fabric surface worn.
    研磨力均一, 特殊织维表面磨损后新绒立即发挥作用




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