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to the death

  • 单词发音:英 [ tu: ðə deθ ] 美 [ tu ði dɛθ ]
  • 基本解释:到底;死
  • to the death 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 副词(adv.) 到底
  • 副词(adv.)

to the death 相关例句更多>

  • Gill points to the death of moral absolutism as a major factor.
  • He freely admits that he has persecuted his victims to the death.
  • The cause of death, according to the death certificate, was gunshot wounds.
  • I will not abandon you this theory contends and I will battle to the death for you.
  • The death penalty cannot be abolished, and some criminals must be sentenced to death.
    死刑不能废除, 有些罪犯就是要判死刑。
  • From the acquaintance, to the death, he and cherishes constantly to her sympathizing.
  • This abnormal man should be sentenced to the death penalty, for he has cruelly abused women and children.
  • The next act, of what turned out to be a four act play, was the one where both characters fight to the death.
  • To reinstate the moratorium on capital punishment and adhere to its commitment to progressively abolish the death penalty
    恢复暂缓死刑令, 并遵守逐步废除死刑的承诺
  • We should acclaim and support the declaration of the local authorities of northern China that they will defend the homeland to the death.




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