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return to

  • 单词发音:英 [ riˈtə:n tu: ] 美 [ rɪˈtɚn tu ]
  • 基本解释:返回到…;重新恢复
  • return to 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 返回到…
  • 重新恢复

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  • Automatic return. Flip horizontally for return to right.
  • Ford never desisted from trying to persuade him to return to America.
  • He is planning to return to his ancestors during his trip to his hometown.
    这次回老家, 他准备认祖归宗。
  • Earth is choosing to ascend, choosing to return to the light of the Great Central Sun.
    地球选择提升, 选择回归到大中枢太阳的光明之中。
  • But when at last, he was allowed to return to Switzerland, he refused to leave the airport.
  • If you need to return to the UK quickly, British Consular officials may be able to arrange it.
  • At the beginning, I strongly absence to flee north Nu and return to Yin dynasty to likewise waste.
  • He has been pressing to return to China to advocate for greater cultural and religious freedoms for his followers.
  • Want to be not alternatively hire a carriage, walk to return to like this, my doesn't material, you probably absence to tinge cold.
    要不还是雇辆马车, 这样走回去, 我无所谓, 你或许要染了风寒。
  • It is pity that many of the old artists that went to the countryside during the Cultural Revolution haven't been able to return to their original professions yet.




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