A Study on the Changes in Qualities of Wild Brake during Refrigerated Storage 蕨菜冷冻贮藏品质变化的研究
The product is held under refrigerated conditions during storage and distribution to the point of consumption. 在储藏和分配到销售点的过程期间,产品保存在冷藏条件下。
The Cultivation, Refrigerated Storage, Revivification and Identification of Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells 人脐静脉血管内皮细胞培养,冻存,复苏与鉴定
Effect of sodium erythorbate and citric acid on quality of minimally processed pineapple during refrigerated storage 柠檬酸和异抗坏血酸钠处理对冷藏鲜切菠萝质量的影响
Vacuum packing and storage under refrigerated condition can efficiently slow down the reduction of the contents of total flavonoids. 真空包装和冷藏可有效地延缓总黄酮含量下降。