The Occurrence Rule of Ladybug and its Relationship with Aphids in the Cotton Field 棉田瓢虫发生规律及与棉蚜的追随关系
Relationship between the occurrence, prevention of wheat aphid and wheat growth stages 麦蚜发生防治与小麦生育期的物候关系
The relationship between occurrence of frozen injury of pomegranate and change of air temperature 石榴冻害的发生与气温变化的关系
Besides, the possible relationship between the LFO of the tropical monsoon and Meiyu occurrence is discussed. 最后分析了热带季风低频振荡与梅雨活动的可能联系。
Relationship between adipose phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase and occurrence and reversion of insulin resistance 脂肪磷酸烯丙醇羧激酶与胰岛素抵抗的发生和逆转的关系
Preliminary studies on the relationship between the occurrence of Asiatic apple leafminer and meteorological factors 金纹细蛾发生与气象因子的关系初探
Study on the Relationship Between Lenticel Tissue Structure and Density and the Occurrence of Apple Rough Bark Disease 皮孔组织结构及密度与苹果枝干粗皮病发生的关系
Studies on the relationship between tillage in autumn and occurrence degree for wheat stripe rust of volunteer seedlings. 秋季麦田翻耕与自生麦苗条锈病发生程度关系研究
To investigate the relationship between tooth loss and the occurrence of esophageal carcinoma, cardia carcinoma and stomach cancer. 探讨牙齿缺失与食管癌、贲门癌、胃癌发病的关系。
Relationship between the forms of occurrence of iron species and the colors of Jurassic sedimentary rocks in the Turpan basin, northwestern China. 吐鲁番盆地侏罗系沉积岩的颜色与铁的赋存状态关系研究