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push on

  • 单词发音:英 [ puʃ ɔn ] 美 [ pʊʃ ɑn ]
  • 基本解释:继续向前, 坚决进行下去;用力推[压]…;把…强加于…;进栈
  • push on 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 继续向前, 坚决进行下去
  • 用力推[压]…
  • 把…强加于…
  • 进栈

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  • No,don't push on my leg!
    别 别推我的腿!
  • No, don't push on my leg!
    别 别推我的腿!
  • We agreed to push on towards the top.
  • Push on the plug until the locking tabs engage audibly.
  • Big hunter push on the way, will be in the build after next.
    猎人大改在即, 将于大下个版本与各位见面。
  • Does the recent push on forest conservation stand much chance?
  • He would push on to the frontier with a bunch of other Irish chaps.
  • And this energy, according to Einstein, exerts a push on the universe.
    在爱因斯坦看来 这能量推动着宇宙
  • Spreading method of horizontal push on inclined layer of roller compacted concrete
  • Keep Pace with the Times, Deep Push on Combating Corruption in Colleges and Universities
    与时俱进, 深入推进高等院校反腐败斗争




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