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purchase money

  • 单词发音:英 [ ˈpə:tʃəs ˈmʌni ] 美 [ ˈpɚtʃɪs ˈmʌni ]
  • 基本解释:买价,定价
  • purchase money 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 名词(n.) 买价,定价

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purchase money 相关例句更多>

  • The money paid to purchase a capital asset or a fixed asset.
  • Some of the money was spent to purchase chemical fertilizer.
  • Even though it costs a lot of money, they have no choice but to purchase it.
  • We guarantee to refund your money if you are not delighted with your purchase.
  • She said that she just needs money to purchase the bus ticket and a loaf of bread for the whole day.
  • Can merely adore cost certain price a lot, the smart Niang gives of money which can purchase of heave!
    只可惜价格一定很贵, 丽娘给的那点钱哪能买的起啊!
  • After each clearance can purchase new weapons, of course, you have to find the money they earn enough.
    每关过后可以购买新武器, 当然你要赚够钱才行。
  • Shopkeepers should report all the received and collected money, making their customers clear about their purchase.
    营业员要做到唱收唱付, 让顾客心中有数。
  • Each cadres and workers leave 30 Yuan to purchase 100 catties tomato, calculates down each catty only then 1 jiao money.
  • And if the money paid for purchase fails to be returned after the announcement period expires, the money shall be considered illegal gains.




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