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proportional rate

  • 单词发音:英 [ prəˈpɔ:ʃənəl reit ] 美 [ prəˈpɔrʃənəl ret ]
  • 基本解释:[经] 成比例运费率
  • proportional rate 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • [经] 成比例运费率

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proportional rate 相关例句更多>

  • Hence, energy generation is directly proportional to the discharge rate.
    因此, 发电直接与水流率成比例。
  • Radiosensitivity and the cure rate is not directly proportional to radiation.
  • Loss of weight is directly proportional to the rate at which the disease is progressing.
  • The rate of change of velocity, for a given body, is directly proportional exerted on it.
    对于一个物体, 其速度的变化率与它所受的力成正比。
  • The time rate of change of concentration is proportional to the second derivative of concentration.
  • The rate at which a person can mature is directly proportional to the embarrassment he can tolerate.
  • If the tax rate remains constant while the tax base varies in size, the tax is said to be proportional.
  • Application of Proportional Solidification Technology Reduced Waster Rate in Centrifugal Casting Cylinder Liner
  • The voltage induced in the pickup coil by this waveform is directly proportional to the rate of change of magnetic induction.
  • Our experimental results also prove that the oxygen consumption rate of the coal is in proportional to the oxygen concentration of the ambient air.




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