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shut to

  • 单词发音:英 [ ʃʌt tu: ] 美 [ ʃʌt tu ]
  • 基本解释:不对…开放
  • shut to 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 不对…开放

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  • I almost turned to shout at them to shut up.
    我几乎朝他们大喊, 要他们闭嘴。
  • Shut eyes, tranquilize down to need marvel to appear.
  • And keep the carton shut to avoid odor absorption from other foods.
    还有, 把纸盒合上, 以避免其吸收了其他食物得气味。
  • We shut our eyes to the plainest facts, refusing to admit the truth.
  • If so, this could provide him with another excuse to try to shut down AK.
  • Is depressed disease added shut disease to be equal to the suicide oneself ?
  • You have no right to shut your eyes to any of it, nor any right to change it.
    对任何事物你都无权闭眼不看, 无权改动。
  • Uses the AbortSystemShutdown API to hinder attempts to shut down or restart the computer.
  • Rotate handwheel from full OPEN to full SHUT positions several times to assure proper operation.
  • To shut it off you have to hit the little artificial moles with a hammer as they pop up at random.




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