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shoot for

  • 单词发音:英 [ ʃu:t fɔ: ] 美 [ ʃut fɔr ]
  • 基本解释:打算达到
  • shoot for 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 打算达到

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  • No one dared shoot for fear of hitting Pete.
  • Shoot for the exact centre of the belly if he faces thee.
    假使他脸朝你, 瞄准腹部中央射击。
  • If you want to shoot for hours on end, just buy a camcorder.
  • Shoot for the moon! If you miss you will still be among the stars.
  • They're given weapons, they shoot for the logging camps, they get money.
  • Studies on Application of Leaf Shoot for Hybrid Cotton Resistance to Bollworm.
  • Application for cover technique, to make zaoyuan bamboo shoot early come out adn high yield
    覆盖技术的运用, 使早园笋早出高产
  • Application for cover technique, to make zaoyuan bamboo shoot early come out adn high yield.
  • Husband hides behind the door, holding video camera ready to shoot. Wife serves dishes waiting for the bastard taking advantage.
    丈夫就躲在门后准备好拍摄, 妻子上菜等混蛋现行。
  • Snipers crossbow artefact now gives a hero and army ability to shoot without penalties for distance and obstacles. Description changed to reflect the change.
    狙击弩可以令英雄不受距离与障碍限制, 说明进行相应改动。

shoot for的近反义词




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