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pick at

  • 单词发音:英 [ pik æt ] 美 [ pɪk æt ]
  • 基本解释:扯;找茬儿; 批评;少量地吃
  • pick at 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 找茬儿
  • 批评
  • 少量地吃

包含pick at的单词更多>

  • picketboat 警哨巡逻艇,侦察艇,当值艇

pick at 相关例句更多>

  • Don't pick at your spots.
  • In addition, the fish like to pick at the vegetation.
    此外, 者鱼喜欢琢植物。
  • I'll pick you up at the airport tomorrow afternoon at 2.
  • I would like to know the Bus number for pick at airport.
  • I'll pick you up at the airport, at what time does your flight arrive?
  • Vultures flew around in the sky waiting to pick at the carcass of the deer.
  • Our goods have been prepared, please arrange people to pick at Wednesday, thank you!
    我司货物已备好, 麻烦您周三安排人来提货, 谢谢!
  • If you look in the mirror and see a spot, do not touch it, squeeze it or pick at it.
  • So you can tell that vulture husband of yours He'll have to pick at someone else's carcass.
    所以转告你那贪婪的丈夫 让他选别人的尸体吧。
  • Then the skylark flew up and alighted upon the back of the eagle and began to pick at his feathers.




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