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order to

  • 单词发音:英 [ ˈɔ:də tu: ] 美 [ ˈɔrdɚ tu ]
  • 基本解释:命令,要求
  • order to 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 命令,要求

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  • We do not live in order to eat, but eat in order to live.
    我们不为食而生, 乃为生而食。
  • Threaded binary tree in order to establish and achieve in order traversal.
  • One day, Yao paid a visit to Xu You and in order to abdicate his throne to him.
    有一天尧去拜访许由, 想要将王位让给他。
  • Sports Ministry officers to pick up the tie game order to maintain order and assist records.
  • Return what can pass artwork and afforest to cooperate to adorn, change in order to abound colorific.
    还可以通过艺术品和绿化的配合来点缀, 以丰富色彩的变化。
  • In order to get admitted to a good university, Xiao Liu goes to his teachers' to make up his cultural lessons.
  • But I felt it was too much to ask to have to adjust each individual arm rest in order to get it where you wanted.
    他左手拿起麦克风, 然后举起右臂示意大家静下来。
  • Barak also had to be willing to set aside any fame he might receive, in order to be faithful and obedient to God.
    巴拉为了忠心顺从神, 亦须甘心放下他可能赢得的声名。
  • Judges of the commercial court have the novel power to adjourn proceedings for 26 days in order to allow the dispute to be referred to a process of arbitration.
  • I’m having a party to celebrate my 28th birthday next Saturday. First, we are having dinner at 7 o’clock near Gangnam station. I need to know around how many people are coming in order to make dinner reservations, so please let me know asap. After dinner and a few drinks, we are going to Club Answer where I have a VIP table on the second floor. Just say my name to get free entrance. If you have any problems just call me on my cell 010-123-4567. Hope to see you guys on Saturday!




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