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powder up

  • 单词发音:英 [ ˈpaudə ʌp ] 美 [ ˈpaʊdɚ ʌp ]
  • 基本解释:<美俚>喝
  • powder up 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • <美俚>喝

powder up 相关例句更多>

  • He snorted the powder up his nose.
  • I accidently sniffed up some white powder.
  • The man was killed when the barrel gun powder blew up.
    当火药桶爆炸时, 那名男子被炸死了。
  • The powder absorbs more heat and thus speeds up the melting.
    这种粉末吸收较多热量, 因而加快溶化速度。
  • When I blacken hair, I have to beat up the drug powder in water.
  • Mother adds a spoon of baking-powder in the flour, and then begins to churn it up.
  • The drug addicts can pick up the notes, directly up the nose with cocaine powder use.
    吸毒者能拿起纸币, 直接卷起可卡因粉末用鼻子吸食。
  • Wanda shares on June 6, 1992 to set up, the main nickel cobalt chromium iron alloy, nickel powder and so on.
    旺达股份1992年6月6日成立, 主营镍铬钴铁合金, 镍矿粉等。
  • You do not need to dress yourself up to make yourself look pretty, all you need to do is to apply some powder and make-up.
  • Evodia Rutaecarpa Benth and Plus Powder Mixed up With Mature Vinegar Ap plied to Umbilical Region to Treat Pediatric Diarrhea




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