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rub in

  • 单词发音:英 [ rʌb in ] 美 [ rʌb ɪn ]
  • 基本解释:用力擦入,反复讲
  • rub in 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 动词(v.) 用力擦入,反复讲

包含rub in的单词更多>

包含rub in的短语更多>

  • rub it in <美俚>反反复复地提到别人不愉快的事情,(故意)触人痛处

rub in 相关例句更多>

  • He can only just rub along in class.
  • Rub in butter until it feels like crumbs.
    用手将黄油与面粉混合, 并搓成粉粒状。
  • First put the flour into a bowl then rub in the fat.
  • I beat you twenty times in a row. You don't have to rub it in.
  • Sift flour in a mixing bowl, rub in butter to breadcrumb state.
  • Rub yourself in olive oil and salt, and your skin won't be dry anymore.
  • Place one or both palms on your abdomen and rub it in clockwise circles.
  • Afterwards, they generally wallow in the dirt and rub up against the trees,
    之后, 他们会在泥土上打滚, 并在树上,
  • Rub the bread gently over the surface, rub in one direction to prevent streaks.
  • I added a point in the bowls of water, detergent, and then exert oneself in the clothes rub a rub a rub.
    我在盆里加了点洗衣粉, 然后再用劲地把衣服揉一揉搓一搓。




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