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rough up

  • 单词发音:英 [ rʌf ʌp ] 美 [ rʌf ʌp ]
  • 基本解释:殴打,伤害
  • rough up 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 殴打,伤害

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rough up 相关例句更多>

  • Do not rough up my hair.
  • I grew up in avery rough place. Onething Ied to another, that's all.
    我小时候很苦。一步一步的走过来, 没有选择的余地, 就这样。
  • Rough sawn timber may absorb up to twice as much water as planed wood.
  • A sort of rough justice has caught up with Abbott, Joe Hockey and Andrew Robb.
  • I'm always scared of his temper, as though any minute he'll get angry and rough someone up.
  • The arthroscopic procedure will clean up rough spots on the underside of his left knee cap.
  • They cut up rough, sometimes to person brutal, want to be constant very inhospitality with heartless.
  • To company that career that this come with the on behalf is exclamation with cut up rough with painful scold.
  • After necrosis of the Wu worked properly a warrior to cut up rough in the meantime, three hurtled to come over toward me attach.
    身后的亡灵战士同时愤怒了, 三个一起朝着我冲了过来。
  • They were going through a rough patch and she ended up having an affair with her coworker. Now she’s caught up in a love triangle and doesn’t know what to do.




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