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over light

  • 基本解释:在灯光下
  • over light 是什么意思及中文翻译:
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包含over light的单词更多>

  • overlight 使受强光照明,用强光给…照明
  • overflight 飞越领空
  • overlights 使受强光照明,用强光给…照明(overlight的第三人称单数形式)
  • overflights 飞越领空( overflight的名词复数 )
  • overlighting 使受强光照明,用强光给…照明( overlight的现在分词 )

over light 相关例句更多>

  • This five day festival celebrates good over evil, light over dark.
  • Darts of bright light shot asunder, darkness swept over the centre of the lake.
  • After light banter over tea, we boarded a Soviet An24 light transport aircraft.
  • Light grazing or over grazing lead to deteriorative succession of artificial sward.
  • She reached over and turned on the light, the very second the light, he disappeared.
    她伸出手把灯打开, 灯亮的一瞬间, 那人就消失不见了。
  • Aspire to the Light and draw it down over your head to your feet. Let the Divine Light Descend.
  • On Principle of Serious Punishment Law Superior over Light Punishment Law with Articles Concurrence
  • To achieve the light weight automobiles, alloy structural material is applied first all over the world.
    为了实现轿车的轻量化, 世界各国普遍采用铝合金结构材料。
  • In the light of archaeological finds, the island was inhabited as early as over four thousand years ago.
  • This week in Kenner, La., J'Marie Moore, 39, the daughter of former light-heavyweight champ Archie Moore, will box on the first all-women's card to be shown live over the Internet.




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