Jilin red Rock pharmaceutical industry co., LTd 吉林红石制药厂
or in the pharmaceutical industry, everybody applauds me. 或者医药行业里只手遮天之人,人人都鼓掌叫好。
The Cuban pharmaceutical industry had received important assistance. 古巴药业得到了重要的援助。
Patents have long been a central feature of the pharmaceutical industry. 药品专利很长时间以来一直是制药业的中心特色。
Pharmaceutical industry Medicine, biological and blood plasma product filtration. 医药工业医药, 生物和血浆产品的过滤。
Recovery of phosphorus from pharmaceutical industry wastewater with composite calcium 复合钙盐法回收高浓度含磷制药废水中的磷
Study on Treatment of Pharmaceutical Industry Wastewater by Triplet Loop Airlift Biofilm Reactor 气提式三重循环生物膜反应器用于制药废水的处理
Some went on to occupy prestigious positions in the pharmaceutical industry, health ministry and academia. 这些人战后继续在制药业, 卫生部和学术界担任要职。
Particle producing in pharmaceutical industry Particles for tablets, instant soluble medicine and capsules. 制药工业中的造粒片剂颗粒, 冲剂颗粒, 胶囊剂颗粒。
Join Administration of Individual and General Cases for Safe Production View Points to Pressure Vessel Classification Administration in Pharmaceutical Industry 点面共管安全生产医药企业压力容器分类管理之我见