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reach across

  • 基本解释:伸过
  • reach across 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 伸过

reach across 相关例句更多>

  • reach across the planet.
  • Reach back across the years
  • to swim across the English Channel in order to reach England.
  • In a specified time can reach across the barriers to cross the border.
  • Reach To sail across the wind, or between the extremes of beat and run.
    侧风横穿风向航行, 介入顺风和迎风之间。
  • And listen to him reach across the fiery chasm of war to those on the other side
  • Prongs of intracloud lightning reach across the sky above a butte in Wyoming's Red Desert.
    怀俄明州的红色沙漠, 叉状的云间闪电穿过一座孤峰的上空。
  • Come traffic jam , its across being able to reach out the wing concealing, in aerial flying.
    遇到堵车, 它还可以伸出隐藏的翅膀, 在空中飞行。
  • There is both a comfort and an excitement in seeing continuities reach across generations and mediums.
  • Hop on a tuk-tuk to the Friendship Bridge across the Mekong, and, after completing border formalities, take one of the plentiful taxis to reach Vientiane in time for a leisurely breakfast.




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