preceding crime
- 基本解释:先前的罪行
- preceding crime 是什么意思及中文翻译:
- 前罪
preceding crime 相关例句更多>
- Conspirators to a crime mentioned in the preceding paragraph shall regarded as joint offenders and punished as such.
- Conspirators to a crime mentioned in the preceding paragraph shall be regarded as joint offenders and punished as such.
- Any functionary of a State organ who commits the crime mentioned in the preceding paragraph shall be given a heavier punishment.
国家机关工作人员犯前款罪的, 从重处罚。
- Any judicial officer who abuses his power and commits the crime mentioned in the preceding paragraph shall be given a heavier punishment.
- Those who negligently commit the crime mentioned in the preceding section shall be sentenced to imprisonment of up to seven years or criminal detention.
- Those who commit the crime mentioned in the preceding paragraph in wartime shall be sentenced to not less than three years and not more than seven years in prison.