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  • 基本解释:Search for Excellence in Science and Mathematics Education 探索擅长科学和数学教育;service sort and merge 业务分类和合并;Severe Environmental Storms and Mesoscale Experiment 强[环境]风暴和中尺度试验;Standardization in Europe on Semantical Aspects in Medicine 欧洲在医学语义方面的标准化
  • SESAME 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 缩写词(abbr.) Search for Excellence in Science and Mathematics Education 探索擅长科学和数学教育
  • 缩写词(abbr.) service sort and merge 业务分类和合并
  • 缩写词(abbr.) Severe Environmental Storms and Mesoscale Experiment 强[环境]风暴和中尺度试验
  • 缩写词(abbr.) Standardization in Europe on Semantical Aspects in Medicine 欧洲在医学语义方面的标准化
  • SESAME 大小写变形: sesame



SESAME 相关例句更多>

  • Add cilantro and sesame oil. Ready to serve.
    起锅后加香菜, 香麻油。
  • Sprinkle with parsley, sesame, can also add hot peppers.
    撒上香菜, 芝麻, 也可加入辣椒。
  • Main Ingredients safflower, hyaluronic acid, sesame oil, allantoin.
    红花, 透明质酸, 麻油, 尿囊素。
  • Add black sesame seeds and knead for another 2 minutes at low speed.
  • It would taste even better if we added some sesame paste to the bread.
  • Add sesame oil and Hua Diao Wine. Bring to just boil. Transfer to plate.
    下麻油及花雕酒略滚后, 上碟, 即成。
  • Antioxidative activity of crude extract of lignan glycosides in sesame meal.
  • To add an Asian touch, you can also add soy sauce, fish sauce and sesame oil.
  • Stir in ginger juice and white sesame. Pour cake pan and sprinkle with extra white sesame.
    加入姜汁和白芝麻拌匀, 倒入模内, 面洒上适量的白芝麻。
  • Rip the roots of broad bellflower into thin strips. After boiling, panbroil with ground green onion, sesame salt, salt and some sesame oil.




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