why not
- 单词发音:英 [ hwai nɔt ] 美 [ hwaɪ nɑt ]
- 基本解释:何妨;何不
- why not 是什么意思及中文翻译:
- 何妨;何不
- why not 大小写变形: Why not
包含why not的短语更多>
why not 相关例句更多>
- Why not experiment? Why not have some fun?
- me why did shudra fight in war , why not mutiny
为什么首陀罗愿意作战呢, 为什么不哗变?
- Why not no laws at all? Why not sheer nothingness?
- Why write on the blackboard and why not broadcast ?
- I do not see why not, but It'shall not be too expensive.
我看没什么不可以, 但这不应该太贵了。
- Why do aircraft have only three landing gear? Why not four?
为什么轻型飞机的起落架是三个点, 而不是四个点呢?
- Would you recommend your friends visit there, why or why not?
你会不会向你的朋友推荐去那玩, 为什么?
- If you can not have children of your own,why not consider adoption?
- Copper Locket asks Grape why she protects his father like this, and she answers, why not ?
- Enough! How long yet shall i this mortal shape keep? Why not take life as it comes, and why hustle and bustle like one on a errand bound?