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  • 基本解释:胎盘,胎座( placenta的名词复数 )
  • placentas 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 名词(n.) 胎盘,胎座( placenta的名词复数 )

placentas 相关例句更多>

  • Arrangement of placentas within the ovary.
  • Ovary 1loculed, with 3 parietal placentas.
    子房1室, 具侧膜胎座。
  • ovules many, on parietal to basal placentas.
  • placentas 2, parietal, projecting slightly inward, 2cleft.
    胎座2, 向内的周壁, 凸出的稍, 2半裂。
  • They therefore collected and analysed placentas on site in Uganda.
  • Placentas parietal stigmas numerous, sometimes 2fid or flabellate.
    侧膜胎座柱头多数, 有时2裂或扇形。
  • placentas parietal ovules 2 to many, orthotropous, rarely anatropous
    侧膜胎座胚珠2到多数, 直生, 很少倒生
  • There are two placentas and two separate amniotic sacs, each with its own membrane.
    有两个胎盘和两个分隔的羊膜囊, 各自有自己的外膜层包裹。
  • placentas parietal and equal in number to carpels, or basilar owing to reduction of ovules.
    侧膜胎座和在心皮, 或在数字上等于由于削减胚珠。
  • The ovary was bicarpellary syncarpous and unilocular having parietal placentas. Ovules were anatropous.
    子房为二心皮一室, 多胚珠, 侧膜胎座, 倒生型胚珠。




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