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most particularly

  • 单词发音:英 [ məust pəˈtikjuləli ] 美 [ most pɚˈtɪkjələli ]
  • 基本解释:特别,尤其( particularly的最高级 )
  • most particularly 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 形容词(adj.) 特别,尤其( particularly的最高级 )

most particularly 相关例句更多>

  • It was a particularly choppy day at sea and most of us were sufficiently soaked.
  • At present, the data for the marine algae, particularly seaweeds, are the most complete.
  • It is the most disappointing defeat of the season, particularly with the way we conceded.
  • If you want a particularly high gloss, ultraviolet coatings for one of the most desirable.
    若要求特别高的光泽, 紫外线涂料为其中最可取的。
  • It was probably most intense in Britain, whose public schools at midcentury had adopted a particularly severe system of sorting by test at age 11.




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