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  • 基本解释:Mansfield College; Oxford 曼斯菲尔德学院;Mansion 大厦;官邸
  • mans 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 缩写词(abbr.) Mansfield College
  • 缩写词(abbr.) Oxford 曼斯菲尔德学院
  • 缩写词(abbr.) Mansion 大厦
  • 缩写词(abbr.) 官邸
  • mans 大小写变形: MANSMANs


  • MANS Member of the Academy of Sciences <美>自然科学学会会员
  • MANs Metropolitan Area Networks 区域网
  • Mans Mansfield College
  • Mansel [人名] [英格兰人姓氏] 曼塞尔 Mansell的变体
  • Mansell [人名] [英格兰人姓氏] 曼塞尔诺曼底住所名称或地区名称,来源于古法语,含义是“Le Mans的居民”(inhabitant of Le Mans)
  • Mansions 宅第,公馆,大厦( mansion的名词复数 )
  • mansions 宅第,公馆,大厦( mansion的名词复数 )
  • chairmanship 主席的地位或身份
  • chairmanships 主席的地位、身份或任期( chairmanship的名词复数 )


mans 相关例句更多>

  • Cleave a mans head open with a sword.
  • One mans meat is another mans poison.
  • What is one mans cloud is another mans sunshine.
  • Raul One mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter.
  • That mans abandonment, is an indirect wakeup call for her.
  • The mans wife let go of his hand, her head dropped, the mans lip began to quiver.
  • Just as a woman needs to feel a mans devotion, a man has a primary need to feel a womans admiration.
    正如女人需要男人的专宠一般, 男人也需要女人的赞美。
  • After all is the eldest brother elder brother whom ego likes, and lewd is the mans mans natural role.
    毕竟是自己喜欢的大哥哥, 而且好色是男人的本性。
  • There is apace between mans imagination and mans attainment that may only be traversed by his longing.
    在人的想象和成就之间有着一个空间, 唯有他的渴望能穿越。
  • The history of mans civilization is in essence the history of mans breakout from the dilemma wherein man exists.
    一部人类的文明史, 其实质就是一部人类生存困境的突围史。




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