- 基本解释:[人名] [英格兰人姓氏] 卢克斯取自父名,来源于Look,含义是“卢克之子”(son of Look)
- Looks 是什么意思及中文翻译:
- [人名] [英格兰人姓氏] 卢克斯取自父名,来源于Look,含义是“卢克之子”(son of Look)
- Looks 大小写变形: looks
Looks 相关例句更多>
- He looks at her then looks back at the water.
- Apoet looks at the world as a man looks at a woman.
诗人看世界, 如同男人看女人。
- He who looks outside dreams, he who looks inside awakens.
向外看的人在梦中, 向内看的人清醒着。
- But what looks orderly to the US looks less so elsewhere.
但是, 对美国有序的事情对其他国家可能便不见得如此。
- He looks ashen. It looks like he just recovered from a severe illness.
- That looks delicious. That is your lunch. But.it looks like a grapefruit.
这看起来很好吃。这是你的午餐。但是, 它看起来像一个葡萄柚。
- This is what a photograph looks like, but this is what clip art looks like.
- And then he looks at me and looks at Donald, and he goes, about one in 1, 000.
医生看着我和唐纳 他说大概一千位之中只有一位
- The shepherd looks at the young man, then looks at the sheep which graze and says All right.
- For the LORD sees not as man sees man looks on the outward appearance, but the LORD looks on the heart.
因为, 耶和华不像人看人人是看外貌耶和华是看内心。