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  • 基本解释:(使)全球化,全世界化( globalize的过去式和过去分词 )
  • globalized 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 动词(v.) (使)全球化,全世界化( globalize的过去式和过去分词 )

globalized 相关例句更多>

  • chaotic globalized world.
  • Markets are being increasingly globalized.
  • Regulation and Antitrust Policy in a Globalized Economy
  • The world today is a globalized world of increasingly open borders.
  • With the integration of globe economy, the supply chain also tend to be globalized.
    随着全球经济一体化, 供应链已呈全球化趋势。
  • Enterprises cluster is an effective way that meets the globalized economic competition.
    企业集群发展模式, 是适应全球经济竞争的有效途径。
  • In a more globalized world, Russia is at once a competitor, a partner, and an opponent.
    在多极化的世界中, 俄国是竞争者, 是合作者, 也是一个异类。
  • Improving Government Functionary Training and Accepting the Globalized Economical Challenge
  • have globalized the field of education that we usually treat as an affair of domestic policy.
    是如何把原本是一国内政事务的教育领域 全球化的。
  • We must surely try, but these enterprises are so competitive, so globalized, and so driven by commercial pressure, that anything that can be done will be done somewhere.
    无疑我们必将尝试 以至于他们会不择手段




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