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  • 单词发音:英 [ ɡlæd ] 美 [ ɡlæd ]
  • 基本解释:Gay and Lesbian Advocates and Defenders 男,女同性恋支持者和辩护者;glenolabral articular disruption 盂唇关节断裂
  • GLAD 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 缩写词(abbr.) Gay and Lesbian Advocates and Defenders 男,女同性恋支持者和辩护者
  • 缩写词(abbr.) glenolabral articular disruption 盂唇关节断裂
  • GLAD 大小写变形: gladGlad


  • glad 高兴的
  • gladden 使高兴,使快乐
  • gladder glad 的比较级
  • Glading [人名] [英格兰人姓氏] 格拉丁取自父名,来源于Glad↑1,含义是“格拉德之子”(son of Glad)
  • gladded 高兴的( glad的过去式和过去分词 )
  • Gladden [人名] [英格兰人姓氏] 格拉登取自父名,来源于Glad↑1,含义是“格拉德之子”(son of Glad)
  • gladdest glad 的最高级
  • gladding 高兴的( glad的现在分词 )
  • Gladding [人名] [英格兰人姓氏] 格拉丁取自父名,来源于Glad↑1,含义是“格拉德之子”(son of Glad)
  • gladiator <史>斗剑士,格斗士


GLAD 相关例句更多>

  • to be glad about something
  • She was very glad that you were able to come.
  • Um, you're glad to be back. I'm glad you're glad.
  • I'm so glad that you were able to, get him into the clinical trial.
    感谢你们 答应把他加入临床实验
  • Ill be glad to help you take care of the baby for a week during your absence.
    要是你离家一个星期, 我很乐意帮你照顾婴儿。
  • Lily Ill be glad to. Its full name is saxophone, and sax is the abbreviated form.
  • Aah! oh! I'm glad that you're having fun, but my back is hurting, so let me get on top.
    我很高兴你乐在其中 但是我的背很痛 那让我到上面去。
  • Study on Effective Compositions of Magnolia Officinalis Rehd. Et Wils to Skin Absorption in Glad Happy Troches
  • Ef you buy me a ticket ter Tara, Ah sho be glad ter git home. Ah sho be glad ter see Miss Ellen and Mist Gerald agin.
  • Becky supposed she would be glad of that, and she tried to believe she was glad of it, but she found she was not certain.




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