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  • 基本解释:applied expert system 应用专家系统;additive system of phtographic exposure (照相曝光)加法系统,APEX系统;advance purchase excursion 预购旅游办法;advance-purchase Excursion (Plan)-pay 90 days ahead of exursion flight 预先付款的旅行(计划)-提前付给90天乘飞机旅行的费用
  • APEX 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 缩写词(abbr.) applied expert system 应用专家系统
  • 缩写词(abbr.) additive system of phtographic exposure (照相曝光)加法系统,APEX系统
  • 缩写词(abbr.) advance purchase excursion 预购旅游办法
  • 缩写词(abbr.) advance-purchase Excursion (Plan)-pay 90 days ahead of exursion flight 预先付款的旅行(计划)-提前付给90天乘飞机旅行的费用
  • APEX 大小写变形: Apexapex


  • apex
  • Apex [地名] [美国、南非共和国] 埃佩克斯
  • CAPEX 资本支出(capital expenditures)
  • JAPEX Japan Express; Japan Petroleum Exploitation C...
  • napex 项部,枕下部
  • Rapex 欧盟非食品类商品快速报警系统; 欧盟非食用消费品快速通报系统
  • apexin 阿普辛
  • apexes 顶( apex的名词复数 )
  • patellapexy 髌骨固定术,髌固定术


APEX 相关例句更多>

  • The apex of a trianglethe apex of a hill.
  • Bracts and bracteoles ovate, ca.4 mm, apex acuminate, with an awn abaxially.
    苞片和小苞片卵形得, 约4毫米, 先端渐尖, 具芒。
  • Nectaries 3, hemispheric, abaxially glabrous, apex with a tuft of trichomes.
  • Fig.4 Yellow apex stage, showing the normal and abnormal structure of mitochondria.
  • Nectaries 3, hemispheric, abaxially glabrous, apex usually with a tuft of trichomes.
  • Tendrils trifurcate, sometimes apex of one branch with vestiges of abortive inflorescences.
    卷须三叉的, 有时先端的一分枝具败育花序的形迹的。
  • segments slightly concave adaxially, cucullate, slightly succulent near apex abaxially, 3veined.
    正面的裂片稍凹面, 兜状, 稍肉质近先端背面, 3脉。
  • Apex acuminate to cuspidate; abaxial surface paler, glabrous, midrib with minute setae and glands.
  • Clinical Observation on 67 Cases of Abnormal Motion Phenomenon at Apex Area of Heart in Prophase Coronary Heart Disease Treated with Bu Xin Decoction
  • The Comparison between the Method of Blood Letting in Ear Apex and Electric Stimulation in Ear Apex at the Immediate Effect of Decompression for Hypertension




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