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in touch

  • 单词发音:英 [ in tʌtʃ ] 美 [ ɪn tʌtʃ ]
  • 基本解释:在…能达到的地方;在…的附近;可以接近的;可以做到的
  • in touch 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 在…能达到的地方
  • 在…的附近
  • 可以接近的
  • 可以做到的

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  • We haven't been able to get in touch with them yet.
  • We always kept in touch with our friends in America.
  • Stay in touch, is not forgotten, in full bloom later regret.
  • In his work, Albert comes in touch with many beautiful objects.
    在工作上, 阿尔博特会接触到许多美丽的事物。
  • Our head office can put you in touch with a branch in your area.
  • Our head office can put you in touch with a branch in your office.
  • Bruce is now traveling in France, making it impossible to get in touch with him.
    现在布鲁斯在法国旅行, 因此不可能同他取得联系了。
  • They immediately got in touch with Dr. Ting who was, purely coincidentally, also in California.
  • As a result, we had a united Party that was acting in unison and whose leading members kept in touch with the rank and file.
    因此, 我们党是很团结的, 上下通气的, 全党一致的。
  • In the early days of mobile phones, the advertising slogan"It doesn't cost much to keep in touch" was a bit of a joke.




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