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  • 基本解释:Banque Internationale pour la Reconstruction et le Développement (French=International Bank for Reconstruction and Development);behavior inventory for rating development 等级发育行为调查;bilinear rotation decoupling 双线性旋转断开联系;Israel-US Binational Industrial Research and Development Foundation 以色列-美国双边工业研究发展基金(代号)
  • BIRD 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 缩写词(abbr.) Banque Internationale pour la Reconstruction et le Développement (French=International Bank for Reconstruction and Development)
  • 缩写词(abbr.) behavior inventory for rating development 等级发育行为调查
  • 缩写词(abbr.) bilinear rotation decoupling 双线性旋转断开联系
  • 缩写词(abbr.) Israel-US Binational Industrial Research and Development Foundation 以色列-美国双边工业研究发展基金(代号)
  • BIRD 大小写变形: birdBird


  • bird 鸟,禽
  • birds 鸟,禽( bird的名词复数 )
  • Birds [地名] [美国] 伯兹
  • BIRDS Burroughs Information Retrieval and Dissemination System 巴勒斯情报检索和提供系统
  • birdie 小鸟儿
  • birdman 鸟类学家,飞行员
  • birdies 小鸟儿( birdie的名词复数 )
  • Songbirds 鸣禽( songbird的名词复数 )
  • birdcages 鸟笼( birdcage的名词复数 )
  • songbirds 鸣禽( songbird的名词复数 )


BIRD 相关例句更多>

  • Bird bird fly so high.
  • And the bird, the bird, she sings.
    而鸟儿, 鸟儿, 她唱着。
  • Butcher bird's bird represents the south Australia state.
  • Fear of Bird Flu Prompts Indonesian Capital to Begin Bird Cull
  • Bird have food of early astir, insect having been eat to bird of early astir.
  • Student Swallow is the bird beside sparrow, sparrow is the bird beside swallow.
    学生麻雀旁边是燕子, 燕子旁边是麻雀。
  • eat like a bird She eats like a bird. A small piece of bread will be enough for her.
    她的饭量特别小, 吃一小块面包就够了。
  • Archaeopteryx, which is a bird, a primitive bird, still has that very primitive hand.
    始祖鸟,其实是鸟,一个鸟类的先祖 还有着先祖的手掌
  • Banding is under the permission of Taiwan Bird Banding Center of Bird Federation Taiwan.
  • Bird Once engraved on stone The bird is under compulsion How far does the stone fly How far does the bird do




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